北京开放大学影视艺术学院培训管理中心2022年4月在我院成立, 中心是北京开放大学影视艺术学院专门负责对外联合共同举办非学历教育的职能机构。趁国家推进文化大发展、大繁荣、文化强国的东风,做为学校办学格局三大组成部分“辐射区”的重要一环,在积极实施教育培训及优势资源开拓上,实现转型发展,迎接培训产业的巨大机遇。
Center overview
Established in April 2022, the Training Management Centre of the School of Film and Television Art of Beijing Open University is specifically responsible for the organisation of co-hosted non-academic education projects with foreign partners. Their role is to discover, nurture and send talented young people abroad to study. To establish a solid foundation as a starting point for the selection and development of the school’s talent.Toorganise and host a series of artistic talent competitions focussing on the school’s talent. To act as a mechanism for the establishment of a concentrated base for high quality students.To establish training centres across the country and around the world through joint co-operation contracts. To actively nurture new creative and cultural industries and cultural forms. To actively guide, unite, and leverage various social forces and social resources to jointly run schools. In order to better contribute to the school's goal of creating a domestic first-class art college, continue to build and strengthen the school’s brand and increase its external public image and strive to develop more and better platforms for overseas expansion.
Training centres of the Beijing Open University School of Film and Television Arts Training Management Center are established in the form of national brand franchises. We hire authoritative experts in the industry and invite a line up of visiting professors from the Beijing Film Academy, Central Academy of Drama, Beijing Dance Academy, Communications University of China and other universities. While building the industry's most authoritative "art test" brand, various cultural and artistic vocational trainings are also carried out. With the aim of expanding both locally and internationally the training Management Center has set up training centres in all new campuses. Each training centreorganises different kinds of art training of various durations for various age groups, both fee paying and free.
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